Sunday, May 24, 2015

Summertime Skincare Essentials

Hi Everyone!
    After a week long vacation in the gorgeous Outer Banks in North Carolina spent romping around, I finally feel like summer is upon us. I always qualify May as a summer month because not only does it start to warm up, but it's basically the end of the school year as well. For me, I'm going to be finishing up school in a couple of weeks and will turn in my junior title for a senior one! While I'm slightly scared an a little shocked that I've actually come to this point in life, I'm also excited for the change that will come with it. But I have an entire summer before I have to seriously start focusing on that, and what better to put me in a summertime mood, then to share my must have skincare ingredients with you for the summer. These ingredients are my absolute favorite and I look for them in almost all of the products I use in the warmer months.

1. Aloe

     In the summertime, there is nothing I reach for, more than aloe. It's soothing, cooling, and is AMAZING for hormonal acne skin types. In the summer I like to spend large amounts of time out in the sun, and despite using SPF, I usually start peeling. Aloe helps so much in keeping my skin soft and soothed as well as preventing even worse peeling. It acts as a protective barrier for your skin and helps to heal it faster. Of course, one of the easiest ways to use aloe, is with aAloe Vera gel. One of my favorite's is by Fruit of the Earth because it's a lot more natural than other brands gels. Also a fantastic way to use this product is with mists and cleanser. There are several cleansers out there that have aloe in them, but I'm a big fan of the Skinfood Aloe Vera Cleansing Foam because it's uber gentle and leaves the skin feeling refreshed and clean.

2. Sea Salt

     After frolicking in the ocean all week, I've come to the conclusion that ocean water is the best. The salt content exfoliates your skin, clears it up, and cleanses it all in one fell wave. That's not even to mention how fantastic it is for your hair in adding texture! There is definitely a reason why it is a new favorite skincare product. One of the easiest ways of incorporating it into your life, is buy a bath soak. Super easy to make by simply adding 1 cup of coarse sea salt to your bath and a few drops of essential oil, like eucalyptus or lavender. To make it even better, you could mix in some honey and/or milk before hand to have some of the softest skin ever. Scrubs are also a great way to use sea salt. Use the same ingredients from the bath soak, except for using a finer ground salt for the ultimate experience. Lastly for that all around the year beach babe vibe, you can never go wrong with a sea salt hair mist. I've been loving the Not Your Mother's Sea Salt  hair mist to give my hair some added texture.

3. Cocoa Butter
     The final ingredient is cocoa butter. I swear by this stuff because it is my favorite way to moisturize my skin. I've dealt with minimal body acne throughout the years and this is the only moisturizer that doesn't make me break out. It's super soothing and pampering without leaving a greasy feeling on your skin. I love the Queen Helene Cocoa Butter and use it after every shower. I've also noticed and improvement on my stretch marks since using cocoa butter in my routine. So for an added glow, slather on some cocoa butter after you shower and unlock incredibly soft skin.

     That's it for my skincare essentials! These 3 ingredients really make the best out of your skin and perfect it for the summer months ahead. If you liked this post, be sure to share it with your friends and also comment below telling me your go to product this summer. I love you all so much and I will see you next time!

Everything She Wants- Saint Raymond

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